Minnewawa Gear
Show your pride - Minnewawa Gear is available throughout the year. Below are some common items that are available. Please contact a member of the Minnewawa Board to arrange for purchasing and pick up of your items. We also have Minnewawa Gear available at our annual barbecue and at Wild Rice Days in McGregor. There are always new items to choose from. All proceeds go to support the programs and initiatives that make our lake beautiful.

Purchase 1 flag for $35 or 2 for $50. Additional discounts are available if you would like more that 2 flags.

Sweatshirts, Tshirts and Tanks
We have a wide variety of hoodies, quarterzips, performance fleece, tshirts, sweatshirts, light jackets and more. Sizes and colors vary, although requests for future orders can be made.

We have a wide variety of accessory options including mugs, koozies, flip flops, coolers, hats and more. Colors and varieties may vary although requests for future orders can be made.
Check out our new clothing at the LMA BBQ 8/14/21